Our strategic objectives are outlined in the following pages and the specific actions that we plan to deliver are also detailed. As with any organisational business plan it is important to understand the context in which the plan is set. The key contextual points to note regarding professional rescue for the period of this plan are:
● The continued remit by statute of the fire and rescue service to be the main provider of rescue capabilities and health services for trauma capabilities, working alongside other emergency services and specialist rescue providers, for increased efficiency and intra and interoperability.
● The financial constraints in which public services operate, and the transformation agenda around governance and organisational structures that is reviewed annually and has the potential to radically change the organisation of services over the period of this plan.
● The blend of capabilities across services and how these capabilities can best be arranged to meet the emerging threats and hazards that are faced, on a daily basis and as part of national capabilities in line with the national risk assessment and planning assumptions.
● The changing environment in which rescue and trauma professionals can acquire, develop and maintain their skills and knowledge. The ever-increasing need for a broader technical understanding of the subject matter, combined with the need to enable opportunities to develop and practice new and innovative ideas and techniques.
● An industry of suppliers to the services who more than ever need to ensure that their product development and research programmes are informed not just by anecdotal evidence, but moreover by a well-defined improvement agenda that clearly identifies where focus and investment is needed to provide for the future.
With these broad contextual points in mind, it is logical that the strategic objectives take account not only the aspirations of the organisation itself, but also how it can support, drive and where necessary influence the outcomes of these contextual challenges.

The UKRO’s aim is to share its knowledge and expertise, through the 3 strategic objectives.
Our strategic objectives are the specific actions that we plan to deliver which are also detailed. As with any organisational business plan it is important to understand the context in which the plan is set.