In order to deliver against the strategic objectives, we have established our Management Board and have clear governance.

Each of these key post holders has a responsibility to review and update the Service Delivery and Service Support – Delivery Plans, in relation to, but not limited to, the strategic objectives allocated to them. The reporting of progress against the Delivery Plans is through the Management Board to the Executive Chair, on at least a quarterly basis.
Quality Management
To ensure that the UKRO’s activities, services and products are of the highest quality, the UKRO introduced a robust Quality Management System (QMS), which is reflected in organisational policies, procedures and ways of working. The QMS is monitored by each Director, to ensure compliance with the principles and guidance, throughout their Directorates.
Performance Management
The Executive Chair has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that performance against strategic objectives is being achieved to the required level. The attainment of key milestones and progress will be fundamental to the performance management regime. The Executive Chair will consider the quarterly reporting outcomes from the respective Directorate leads.
Financial Reporting
In addition to the quarterly reporting of progress against Delivery Plans, the finance lead will provide accounts for each quarterly Management Board meeting. The Executive Chair and the Director of Corporate Services will maintain ongoing dialogue outside of the board structures to ensure appropriate oversight and diligence over financial matters.
Risk Management
A risk register for key identified business risks will be maintained by the Management Board. This is monitored and reviewed quarterly at Management Board meetings.
Legal Responsibilities
The UKRO operates in an environment that has inherent risks. Legal responsibilities, including our role in the health and safety of volunteers, participants, etc. are taken very seriously. Legal advice is accessed consistently and specialised where required. Our health and safety team consists of qualified and passionate practitioners, who work with event hosts, to assess hazards, quantify risks and agree control measures.